Monday, September 23, 2013

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."

I really like space, and the universe. I really starting feeling this again earlier in the week, the whole infinite thing, when I started really thinking about it. I hadn’t really thought about it since I realized I couldn’t be an astronaut as a result of my asthma. But space is just so fascinating to me. There is this factoid that just blows me away. If the sun were scaled down to the size of a white blood cell, the galaxy would be as large as the continental united states. What?  WHAT?!? I mean, holy crap. And then you look at how big the entire universe is in relation to the galaxy, something just completely ridiculous. But lets try to understand this. First we need to understand how big the sun is. Now if you go outside, and look outwards in all directions, you can see for miles. The horizon, the area of the earth you can see is basically the biggest thing you can actually picture in your mind in relation to yourself. This circle isn’t even the size of Colorado, let alone the US and let alone the whole world. Now, the whole world is in relation to the sun just about a human to the moon (I think). So the sun is unfathomably large: I mean, so is the earth. So then we scale down that fucking massive thing to a white blood cell, something so small we can’t even see it, and then the galaxy is the size of the country. It’s ridiculous! The time it takes for light – light, ok, the stuff that travels so fast you would literally go back in time if you went faster than it – to travel across the length of the galaxy is ages! It’s centuries! The galaxy is so fucking huge! And then the whole of space -> galaxy is something like Jupiter -> dust mite. And there is so much possibility out there! So many possible things that lie undiscovered, things that can be beautiful, awe-inspiring, things that could literally send everything we think we know about the universe spinning off its ass. And that is incredible to me. There is so much beauty, so many undiscovered things, and so much possibility.

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